Financially Thriving
as an Artist & Creative

Do you feel like earning money gets in the way of making your art?

How much time & energy do you leak on money worries that could be channeled into your creative work?

If you’re ready to create a sustainable and inspired income from your creative work, this series is for you!

It’s time to leave behind the starving artist myth and join the empowered creatives who have designed a wealthy life.

Following on from the success of our live workshops, this series is for you if:

3 x Interactive Sessions

Mastering Your Money Mindset

  • This session will guide you to:

    • Understand how money beliefs are formed and how they shape our reality.

    • Explore your current money beliefs and the behaviours that stem from them.

    • Learn how to reprogram limiting beliefs to empower your decision making and create financial freedom.

    • Create a conscious relationship with money to receive in the wealth that you may be subconsciously blocking.

Valuing Your Work & Authentic Promotion

  • This workshop will support you to:

    • Explore what a healthy and supportive work exchange looks like for you.

    • Review your core values, so you can align your work with them, to feel satisfied and on purpose.

    • Connect to what feels most inspiring to offer through your work. What do you love to share or offer others?

    • Understand the value of what you offer, to create inspired exchange in your relationships.

    • Learn how to authentically promote your offering to reach the people who will connect with it’s value and understand it’s worth.

Managing Financial Risks & Uncertainty

  • This session will guide you to:

    • Develop a financial plan to support your creative/artistic endeavours

    • Build multiple income streams and passive income

    • Take considered risks, choosing expansion over fear

    • Manage irregular income by creating a safety net

    • Build financial resilience and reduce financial stress

    • Hold space for discomfort, so it doesn’t limit you

    • Track your resources and channel them into your priorities


Lea Clothier-
Master Certified Behavioural Money Coach

Lea works with the creatives, freedom seekers, entrepreneurs, and health & wellness professionals to create awareness and take back control of their relationship with money in their personal and business lives. Gaining clarity, skills, and confidence to better manage money as a tool to create freedom and a life of their design.

With a 20 year career in financial services, Lea is an award winning ex-financial adviser who also holds qualifications in business management, yoga, well-being, mindfulness and positive psychology, energy healing and behavioural coaching among other things. Lea's approach to money & business is definitely unique.

Lea believes that the more someone steps into their power with money and own their relationship with it, consciously and mindfully, then it can be used with purpose and intention to support them individually and as a collective.

Jessica Fitzgibbon-
Musician, Writer & Creative Mentor

Jessica has dedicated herself to the creative path; supporting herself and others to live an authentic and inspired life.

After a decade of feeling blocked and unable to pursue her dream of music, Jess transformed her life through her creative recovery journey, aligning herself with her vision and desires. Jess is now releasing original music under the moniker SelfDivision, with live shows commencing later this year.

Jess has seen an important need to build community and conversation around creative living. Through her podcast Creative Wellbeing, creative mentoring and workshops, Jess vulnerably shares how she designs her life to thrive as an artist, empowering others to do the same.

What People Are Saying

“Jess and Lea have created such a beautiful and safe container to share this much needed work. From limiting money beliefs and redefining the meaning of wealth, to determining the value you provide, they cover so much and share real life examples and experiences which makes the content relatable and relevant. Each workshop comes with resources and helpful prompts that you can work through at your own pace.

This is an incredible workshop for creatives or anyone who wants to establish a healthy relationship with money to create financial freedom and abundance. I wish there was a syllabus that included this kind of information when I was at school!”

— Marisa, Small Business Owner
& Content Creator

“I wanted to tell you that I felt so awakened by the class last night and I know I’ve literally only scratched the surface. In a very good way, I was able to see the years of trauma I have stored within me around money. My beliefs of not being “as worthy as money” up and slapped me in the face!! It left me feeling so empowered though, as I truly never put that connection together!! Why I never made that connection before is beyond me, but so many dots were connected last night that I can’t wait to journal this morning. Thank you for sharing a bit of your story as I know it will made such a difference in my life. I can’t even vocalize properly how profound that was on me. So much gratitude to you and I cannot wait until the next information session!!”

— Erin, Reiki Practitioner & Voice Instructor

Financially Thriving
as an Artist & Creative
