Quietening the mind
Making space for the present moment
Waiting feels so strange
Like I’m wasting time
I’ve been conditioned to believe
That life needs to be grabbed by the hand
Pushed and pulled
Moulded into what I desire
To consider that life is the leader
And I’m the follower
Is revolutionary to me
It’s humbling
But of course, why would my mind
Know better than its creator?
The mind is just a program
Caught up in habits
What is already known
Life guides me to new experiences
But it needs space, stillness, patience, attention
A word I’m reclaiming without all the dogma
The path will reveal itself
I just need to wait and
Listen to my body
I’m worried that things will become stagnant
That my life will collapse
Without my hyper vigilance
But the only constant
Is movement and change
It will rise and fall naturally
Like the breath.
I’m learning to receive
To surrender
Are you ready to create more spaciousness in your life?
Creating Space is a 3-month mentoring journey, where we’ll explore what you need to feel fulfilled and inspired in your life and how to sustainably meet those needs.
With gentle guidance and nurturing support, you’ll connect to your creative energy to build the bridge to your desires and savour the gifts they hold.