Why Write?
Writing is an act of self- love and care. Every morning I meditate and then I write three pages. I don’t get out of bed until it’s done, so the day always begins with something for me. Throughout the day I jot down notes and after dinner I write again.
It’s a constant back and forward between being out in the world and returning to the page. I reflect on my experience, feel into the present and create my future. I extract my thoughts and feelings, the weather within me. Once it’s down I feel grounded, I gain clarity. I learn so much about myself through this documenting.
Writing is a safe space with no judgement or expectation, where I can come as I am. I turn up when I’m tired, excited, irritated, joyful, sick. It’s a container to hold me. It’s a conversation without the need for other, where I connect to the wisdom of the creative voice within.
Writing shows me how to open more to love and life. To have the courage to do the scary stuff and take the steps towards the dreams that often feel so far away. To stay present in the discomfort rather than escaping from it. Standing in the fire and then moving through has developed a trust and gentleness towards myself.
Why do I share my writing?
Sharing is my choice to open to life rather than to hide my essence away. I join the universal choir as we navigate the human experience together, asking questions and guessing answers.
Offering my stories may inspire you to express yours. To pause and connect with your voice. To ask yourself, what do I think about that? What do I have to say? We absorb so much external information and we often avoid turning inwards to explore our own beliefs and values. Our social settings ask us to hold space for others, to understand, to listen, to give. This is of course important, but it’s equally important to be generous with ourselves. How often are we ignoring our body, our desires and our intuition?
Writing is an act of discovery. This is my story, what is yours?
An invitation to explore, ask yourself:
If I had 2 hours of spare time each day without other people or technology around, what would I spend it doing?
What are three activities that I enjoy the most in my week? What do I feel energised and satisfied after?
What are three activities in my week that feel like obligations? What feels the heaviest and what do I complain about the most?
Do you avoid activities that would bring you joy because you don’t have the time, energy or money?
Creating Space is a 3-month mentoring journey, supporting you to prioritise what really matters and let go of what doesn’t, so you can focus on your passions and strengths.