What About The Money, Honey?
"In the end, they wanted security more than they wanted freedom." - Edward Gibbon
Reflections on choosing freedom over security.
Alone, But Not Lonely
Spending time alone in public doesn’t always come easy. What comes up for you? Do you feel bored or judged by others? Do you feel exposed or unsafe? Or do you relish in your own company?
Go Lightly: 5 x Conscious Travel Tips
Inspired by Nina Karnikowski’s book, Go Lightly- How To Travel Without Hurting The Planet, here are 5 x ways I’m traveling more consciously through Vietnam.
Breaking Point
Breaking Point- The February Edit
An eclectic mix of music to immerse yourself in.
Putuparri and the Rainmakers
As I reflect on ritual and ceremony, I was inspired by the story of Putuparri, a Kimberley Wangkajunga man.
A trip back to his grandparents' country in the desert begins the process of his cultural awakening. Here he learns that the dreamtime myths are not just stories, that in his ancestral country lives a snake spirit that is the subject of an ancient and powerful rainmaking ritual.
The Next Step
It’s late afternoon and I’ve not long awoken from a nap on the sofa, the sound of waves crashing across the road.
Maple chases rabbits in the garden and I keep looking up to the impossible blue ocean, attempting to put into words something far bigger than I can be bothered to explain right now…
I had an abstract thought this morning whilst journaling.
What if I’ve already lived my life and done everything I’ve always wanted to do. What if all my dreams did come true.
And what if I had died, and been sent back to live it all over again. Because the first time, I’d rushed through.
Learning to Receive
“Gracious acceptance is an art – an art which most never bother to cultivate. We think that we have to learn how to give, but we forget about accepting things, which can be much harder than giving…. Accepting another person’s gift is allowing them to express their feelings for you”
—Alexander McCall Smith
Can’t You See Me
Can’t You See Me- The November Edit
An eclectic mix of music to immerse yourself in.
Cover Art
Stanley Donwood met Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke at art school in Exeter and has produced the artwork for every Radiohead release ever since.
In this studio visit, we’re invited into their incredible collaborative world. Where music and art are created simultaneously, beautifully interwoven and influenced by each other.
Don’t Be a Stranger Playlist
Don’t Be a Stranger- The October Edit
An eclectic mix of music to immerse yourself in.
The Art of Being Yourself
I invite you to settle in to enjoy the wisdom of best selling author Elizabeth Gilbert, as she shares her reflections on truth telling, how she supports her wellbeing and her approach to creative living.
Love Hertz Playlist
Love Hertz- The September Edit
An eclectic mix of music to immerse yourself in.
From Starving Artist to Thriving Artist
Over a decade ago, I attempted to live exclusively as an artist. That mystical, romanticised life that has a reputation for being elusive, a struggle or only for the special few.
How To Reprogram Your Mind
Creative decisions are conscious decisions, but how do we make them when we’re living from our unconscious 95% of the time?
Developmental biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton walks us through two ways to reprogram our unconscious beliefs.
Empty Beach Playlist
Empty Beach- The August Edit
An eclectic mix of music to immerse yourself in.